Welcome Friends!

We've created this blog so that our friends and family can see what Drew and Hemming have been up to and see how much they've grown! Thanks for looking and please visit often!


Kelly and Andy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Big 3-0

Well, the 30th Brithday has come and gone, and I hardly even thought twice abot leaving my 20's behind! It was a wonderful decade in my life, I graduated college, got engaged, then married, and had 2 precious baby boys, just to name a few. On the otherhand, I am leaving my 20's with a little less fashion sense, even less sleep, a little more babyweight, but with a life MORE wonderful than I could have ever dreamed of! I guess that's why the transition has been so seemless- no complaints about being where I am! Well, maybe about the extra pounds, but such is life after 2 babies! Looking forward to my 30's and a new decade with my precious boys and amazing husband!

Getting ready for dinner

Birthday Dinner at Cafe 30-A

Clay, Sheri, Me, and Andy

The Williamson's, Hutchinson's, Farrar's, and Scruggs'

Me and Unce Brett

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drew's First Day of Preschool

My "big boy" started preschool a couple of weeks ago without a hitch! He loves his class and his teachers, and comes home with a smile on his face every time I pick him up! He also yells "MY Mommy" when he sees me followed by a big hug. I am so relishing these years where they love seeing their mom at school...it won't always be that way! There are also a couple of pictures of Drew's little brother enjoying having Mommy all to himself in the car and at lunchtime!

Ready to go to school!

Drew and Miss Mary

Drew putting his name on the magnet board

Hemming waking up after a peaceful nap in the car with no interruptions!

Hemming doing what he loves most- eating!

Hemming's Dance Moves

Hemming LOVES to dance! Seriously, he probably breaks out his dance moves at least 5 times a day! Notice him saying "Yea, yea, yea!" as he bounces/dances in the video. He is just the happiest, bounciest baby I know! (Be sure to scroll down and turn off the music at the bottom of the blog...couldn't figure out how to do it.)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Birthday Boy

Hemming had a wonderful 1st Birthday! We were in Savannah for my cousin Julie's wedding. The bride and her family were sweet enough to let us celebrate at the house they were renting- it was perfect! Lots of love and attention from family along with Hemming's first taste of cake made for one happy little boy! Drew and Hemming also loved getting to see their "Savannah" cousins!

My little 1 year old!

The cake

Hemming's first taste of cake...surprisingly skeptical!

First Ole Miss jersey from Sweet Aunt Kristie!

Daddy's Number

I have to throw in a picture of the beautiful bride, the wedding was so pretty and every detail was just perfect! Congratulations to The McLeod's!

The happy couple

Julie with allof Drew and Hemming's cute cousins!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Hemming!

I know I sound a little dramatic, but it PAINS me that Hemming is already 1! This year has gone by way too fast, and I'm not ready to let go of his "babyhood" just yet! Ironically, Hemming hardly even acts like a baby these days. He's been walking for 6 weeks, he's talking/repeating words, and he even has a little attitude! He's definitely strong-willed and doesn't like to be told "no". I don't know where in the world he gets that little personality? He is still such a good cuddler, and is so cute about giving us "love". He learned how to give "five" this week and just has the funniest little personality! I can't wait to see how it develops over this upcoming year. Hemming has blessed our lives tremendously, it seems too good to be true to have two precious little boys to love! Happy, Happy Birthday to our sweet boy!

August 28, 2008

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Birthday Week!

Hemming's birthday week has begun! Today we celebrated his friend Henry's 1st Birthday. Henry is the little boy of our good friends Cory and Christa, and he was born August 25th, 3 days before Hemming on August 28th. They met in the hospital and Henry will forever be Hemming's first friend. I can't believe that my baby is turning 1, excited to celebrate this week, more pictures to come!

Hemming, Alex, Henry the Birthday Boy, and Ella

Hemming (1 day old) and Henry (4 days old)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Potty Training!

Popscicle for going potty!

Putting my sticker on the "potty chart"!

Trying to take off my underwear...he would rather wear NOTHING!

Good News! Drew got into the preschool we've been trying to get him in since we moved to Atlanta- Peachtree Road UMC! He just got in this week off of the waiting list. Bad News- he has to be potty trained by the time school starts in a month! Potty training was not even on my radar until he turned 3 in October. Nothing like an unexpected deadline to get us started! I have gotten GREAT advice from other moms and came up with a plan based on what worked for the majority of the people I talked to. I know now is as good a time as any, so we started yesterday. Here's what we're doing:

- Staying at home for 3 days straight
- No more diaper, Drew is basically running around the house with no bottoms on. Underwear here and there to get him used to wearing them.
-I take him to the bathroom every 20 minutes.
- He gets toys and candy when he goes, and a sticker for his "potty chart".
- When he has accidents he has to help clean them up.
- Pull ups at naptime and bedtime OVER his underwear so he still notices when he has an accident

So far succesful potty attempts are outweighing accidents -whew! He is great at helping me clean up, but not so great at telling me when he needs to go! Still a long way from grasping the concept and cotrolling our bladder, but a lot can change in a month! We shall see!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mountain Top

Mommy and Aunt Kristie on the lake with the boys

Celebrating Kristie's 22nd Birthday!

Daddy and Drew playing golf

Hemming looking pretty miserable in his life jacket

4th of July

We're Back!

Well, my last post was over 3 months ago. We have only been home for 3 weekends in the last three months! We have had a great summer, but that pace has just been too much with 2 little ones that need their own beds and a routine! We got back into town 2 weeks ago and it has been so nice to be home. We've definitely missed the comforts of home after being on the go all summer! After getting un-packed, cleaning, and just catching up in general we are back on a good schedule and "back to reality"!

This reality equals 2 sick little boys with ear infections and fevers. Yes, you have heard of many of these episodes if you look at this blog regularly, and TUBES are the next stop for both boys! Hopefully our fall will be a lot "healthier" and less busy. 16 ear infections between the 2 boys in the last 10 months has made life crazy, and just uncomfortable for my sweet little guys. Looking forward to getting them healty, and thankful that our ears are our biggest health concern!

Here are some pictures of our most wonderful and fun summer yet!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Megan's Wedding

Our sweet cousin, Megan, married her equally sweet husband, Scott, Easter weekend in Savannah. Megan was a gorgeous bride and The Coturier's were wonderful hosts. It was a beautiful wedding and a great time was had by all! Possibly the most entertaining part of the night was Kristie catching the bouquet...enough said! Congratulations Megan and Scott!

3 generations!

Mommy, Hemming, and Aunt Kristie

A blurry family picture

Kristie and Megan with the "caught" bouquet!

The Arnold's with the happy couple as they arrived at the hotel...right before Dad requested adjoining rooms with Megan and Scott. Poor things!


We went to Savannah Easter Weekend for my cousin's wedding. We had a wonderful time with my family, and the boys were very spoiled to say the least! Here are a few pictures of our sight-seeing and evidence of how spoiled rotten Drew and Hemming really were!

Family Picture

Drew being fed ice cream while lounging in the stroller

Drew eating who-knows-what with Aunt Kristie

Kisses from Boo

Relaxing in the stretch limo!

Little Buddies

Drew has finally become interested in Hemming now that he is sitting up and scooting around. They play really well together, still working on the "gentle" concept with Drew at times but so far so good! I think they are going to be great little buddies!