Welcome Friends!

We've created this blog so that our friends and family can see what Drew and Hemming have been up to and see how much they've grown! Thanks for looking and please visit often!


Kelly and Andy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"The Dirty Delta"

After Thanksgiving we headed over to Andy's families hunting camp in the Mississippi Delta. Drew loved it, and had a great time playing with his cousins. Andy and I also celebrated our 5th Anniversary while we were there, not the most romantic setting but a lot of fun!

The Egg Bowl

Here are a few pictures from The Grove after Ole Miss' Egg Bowl win- Hotty Toddy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for this time of year and the special holidays that bring us together with our families. We spent Thanksgiving in Mississippi with The Williamson's and we had a wonderful time! Drew and Hemming were spoiled with constant attention, making them a little more demanding now that we're home!!!

Hemming and Granny (Or you could say "Granny with her Birthday Bundle"!)

Drew and Aunt Rachel

Andy, Me, Brittany and Alex

Betsy and Rachel

Alex and Brittany

Taylor and Rachel

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Drew and Daddy

I think this picture shows just how much Drew LOVES his Daddy!

Cousin Eddie

All that really needs to be said is that Andy wore this outfit to a "holiday" party where EVERYONE else was wearing nice outfits. Unfortunately this will not be the last we see of this festive combination during the Christmas season!

12 Weeks

Hemming is now 12 weeks old and will be 3 months this week! Here are a few pictures from this weekend. He is a happy baby, smiling and "talking" all the time but very opinionated when things aren't just right, unfortunately I passed that trait along! Hopefully 3 months will be the magic number when it comes to sleeping through the night, crossing my fingers...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sweet Boys

Okay, so I am clearly not the best photographer, but I was SO excited to get these pictures of the boys together! Drew has been paying a lot of attention to Hemming lately, and has started "loving" on him on a regular basis (I know, it has been 2 months!). Anyway, I finally got Drew to hold Hemming without trying to get him out of his lap immediately. The pictures might not be great, but you can see how proud Drew is of himself for holding the baby. Hemming doesn't look quite as entertained!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Halloween Pics...

Here are a few pictures of Drew dressed up in his Chicken costume. He was so tired after travelling to Oxford that he wasn't a very energetic chicken to say the least! He also preferd to crawl??? Go figure, the child just does his own thing- ALL the time! Whatever makes him happy! Also a couple of pictures of my brother Brett and sister Kristie in their costumes. It was a fun weekend with all of my family in town to celebrate mom's birthday!

Chicken Little!

Little Chicken!

Little, Tired Chicken

Jessica and Tony

Sunshine Bear- hillarious! Brett was Sunshine Bear 23 years ago at the age of 3 and decided to replicate the outfit, so funny.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Weekend in Oxford

We spent last weekend in Oxford for Halloween (Mom's Birthday!), Ole Miss vs. Auburn, and my friend Courtney's Baby Shower. Here are a few pictures from the weekend- I stole from Emily Oxford since all of mine aren't downloaded yet! More pics of Drew the Chicken to come...

Mom and I with the boys in The Grove

Drew and Maggie Oxford in The Grove- Drew's 1st Crush!

The HUGE floral arrangement at the tent next to ours- Hotty Toddy!

Courtney's Shower

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Photo Shoot?

The fall is my favorite time of year, and I thought it would be a great time to take some pictures of Drew outside. They turned out surprisngly well consideing Drew was mostly looking at the airplanes flying over the house and counting pine cones! Here are a few "candids", no posed smiles as usual!

All smiles!

In case you haven't noticed, it's hard to catch Drew looking at the camera with a smile. Mostly because he can never seem to be still long enough for a pose, and partly because the child does close to nothing on command! Hemming has given me more "material" in one sitting than Drew has in 2 years! Hope these pictures make you smile too!

Laughing at Hemming!

Big Smile!

Little Smile!

Drew is Two!

I can't believe that Drew is 2, it has gone by SO fast! He is the sweetest little boy, easy going but not without an opinion! We are just in love with him and this fun age, he is full of surprises! We decided to have a very small and laid back birthday party this year. A big celebration with invitations and more than minimal effort was just not in the cards with a newborn! Most importantly, Drew doesn't know the difference at this age and was more than satisfied to open gifts and eat lots of cake with his best buddy Anderson and sweet friend Grace! Drew loved all of his presents and spent most of the night playing with all of them one at a time. We are looking forward to the "Teriffic Two's", as Boo likes to call them!

Eating dinner with Grace and Anderson


Gobbling up my cake with Anderson!


Eating my presents???

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4 weeks old!

Hemming is 4 weeks old tomorrow, and is doing great! He has slept through the night the past 2 nights (8 and 9 hours!!!) and is getting chubbier every day! Drew has been so good, still pretty indifferent towards Hemming but very tolerant of his new little brother. Having 2 has been a much smoother transition than we thought, so much so that we decided to go to Oxford last weekend and brave The Grove with both little ones! We had a great time other than experiencing the Rebels embarassing loss to Vandy, and both boys were well behaved- whew! Below are some pictures from the last few weeks, including Drew holding Hemming's hand- the first sign of affection he's shown towards him, haha!

Bed Time!

Bath Time!

On my way to my first Ole Miss game!

On my way to my second Ole Miss game!

Holding hands, so sweet!!!